22 Jan 2019


FF: You are a renowned Bigfoot expert, which is so incredible. What started your interest in Bigfoot and how did you become a notable expert in this field? DB: THE WEEKLY WORLD NEWS (WWN) offered a million dollar reward for Big Foot one summer. The catch was that not a

Amy 0
21 Jan 2019


Duncan Birmingham’s writing career has been wild from the start.  Almost every major source of inspiration for me as a writer is an outlet that he got his rise to fame with. ROLLING STONE? Check. THE WEEKLY WORLD NEWS? Check. THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER. Check. You name it, he has been

Amy 0
07 Dec 2018


Unabashedly raw and sexy, TWERK is the latest novel by author  Isobel Blackthorn of Melbourne, Australia. One part crime thriller and one part pure nightmare fuel, TWERK is set in the gritty yet dazzling world of Las Vegas’ strip clubs. Amber thinks she has met the man of her dreams when

Erin Grant 0
05 Apr 2018

Book Review: The Massacre At Yellow Hill

As proved by historical evidence and numerous fictional stories and films, Old time Westerns are as great a source of horror as modern times- if not more. Period pieces are coming back to horror with a vengeance and THE MASSACRE AT YELLOW HILL, written by C.S Humble, is no exception.

Erin Grant 0
15 Mar 2018


The notorious and acclaimed horror photography by Joshua Hoffine can now reside in your cold dead hands as a BEAUTIFUL new book of his work has been published by DARK REGIONS PRESS. FEAR FOREVER spoke with the artist about his inspirations, lengthy career, advice for novice photographers and of course,

Amy 0
15 Jan 2018

Book Review: Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child

There is no doubt that S. Craig Zahler is making a name for himself as an incredible director and writer. His first film, BONE TOMAHAWK was a successful, genre-bending take on a classic Western and the recently released BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99 had people positively salivating . It’s fairly

Erin Grant 0
13 Nov 2017


What better time is there for horror movies or creepy psychothriller novels than midsummer when you’re outside and wading through yet another hot and humid day.  Inside with the A/C going full blast, I sat down with Peter Swanson’s HER EVERY FEAR,  a true page-turner following in the long line

Peter Seidman 0
23 Sep 2017

Interview: Michael Slade Part 2

FF: Tell us about your mother’s real-life adventures in “the Land of the Headhunters,” and how that inspired HEADHUNTER. MS: First, you want to watch this (it’s about a minute long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB93E0Ct3W8 My mom, Vivian Murdoch, grew up in a small Alberta town with a population of about a hundred.

Amy 0
22 Sep 2017

Interview: Michael Slade Part 1

When I received a press release regarding the partnership of D Films Corp and veteran producer Rob Merilees to develop Canadian film and television I was elated to see that their first project will be a series based on HEADHUNTER, a novel by horror writer and my dear friend Michael

Amy 0
07 Jul 2017

Launching soon, new horror and paranormal imprint – ANUBIS PRESS

Horror readers and writers alike were saddened upon reading the official announcement of the closure of Rob DiLauros  FEAR FRONT PUBLISHING. Hot on the heels of that announcement comes the launch of the new horror and paranormal imprint ANUBIS PRESS. From Jacob and Jenny Floyd, authors of  LOUISVILLE’S STRANGE AND

Amy 0