04 Aug 2022

Film Review: The Breach (Fantasia International Film Festival)

That’s a wrap for Fantasia International Film Festival, one of the most important events in Canada for breakout films of the horror, SciFi and fantasy genre. While we wished it would never end, we are indebted to it for bringing us films like THE BREACH. Well established Director Rodrigo Gudiño

26 Jul 2022

Film Review: MEGALOMANIAC (Fantasia International Film Festival)

This year marks 25 years of Montreal’s Fantasia International Film Festival. A major event for international and independent genre film. It is a highlight of our year here at Fear Forever, as we love any film that makes us want to cover our eyes- if only we could look away!

17 Jul 2022

Film Review: Gone In The Night

GONE IN THE NIGHT, a refreshingly self-contained mystery thriller from Eli Horowitz, is in theatres now. It is led by Winona Ryder, fresh off season four of STRANGER THINGS. However, GONE IN THE NIGHT does not need to rely on its star power to capture an audience. It is a

20 Jun 2022


Fresh from its premiere at Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, where it made a considerable impression, FAMILY DINNER‘s next screening was at the 69th annual Sydney Film Festival. The festival’s “Freak Me Out” strain featuring the newest indie horror films is quickly becoming an audience favourite. Anything that

21 Mar 2022

Film Review: X

For those left questioning why we exist after Netflix subjected us to the abomination that was the latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot, worry not. A film has been released to cure you of any disenchantment towards Texas-based slashers. X, Ti West‘s latest film is a refreshing and innovative tribute to

21 Nov 2021

Sydney Science Fiction Film Festival: The Blazing World and Wyrmwood: Apocalypse

In its second year running, Sydney Science fiction Film Festival recently finished up its four-day cinema run. For Australians, access to the festival’s films is not over; the festival is continuing virtually on-demand until the 25th of November. As the year draws to a close and I get ready to

23 May 2021


I asked myself a question the other day: will deer skulls ever not be absolutely terrifying? My answer is still, “no, get those things away from me.” They are creepy as hell, as Jordan Graham‘s folk horror film SATOR substantiates. The film is a backwoods nightmare wherein the forest and

18 Mar 2021


Canadian Anthony Scott Burns‘ latest film COME TRUE is a hallucinatory Sci-fi horror exploring one of man’s final frontiers- the unknown corners of REM sleep. The film is out now on VOD but is also in cinemas in the U.S and if any indie horror is made for the big

06 Mar 2021


When AFTER MIDNIGHT ends, you cannot help but start a conversation about it. The movie is an automatic spark that entices anyone to chat about its hidden point, and the clear intention of the very weird plot it carries to the end. I guarantee you that conversation will not end

21 Feb 2021

Film Review: The Stylist-Final Girls Berlin Film Festival

THE FINAL GIRLS BERLIN FILM FESTIVAL finished the first of its 2021 events at the beginning of February. The festival is lauded for creating a space for celebrating women and non-binary filmmakers’ unique contributions to the horror genre. No doubt its second run this October will once again be full