Video Review: THE ORVILLE
So it’s no big secret that sci-fi isn’t exactly my bag, but I always try to keep an open mind. Matt Campagna, my film review partner-in-crime, happens to adore sci-fi and sees so much good in it, even when it’s bad. That brings us to today’s review, THE ORVILLE. THE

Interview: Michael Slade Part 2
FF: Tell us about your mother’s real-life adventures in “the Land of the Headhunters,” and how that inspired HEADHUNTER. MS: First, you want to watch this (it’s about a minute long): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB93E0Ct3W8 My mom, Vivian Murdoch, grew up in a small Alberta town with a population of about a hundred.

Interview: Michael Slade Part 1
When I received a press release regarding the partnership of D Films Corp and veteran producer Rob Merilees to develop Canadian film and television I was elated to see that their first project will be a series based on HEADHUNTER, a novel by horror writer and my dear friend Michael

Today’s 66 HORROR FLIX examines the “Satanic Panic” era heavy metal horror, TRICK OR TREAT. The film stars Marc Price as Eddie Weinbauer, a high school outcast and heavy metal loving teen. His world collapses when his favorite singer Sammi Curr (played by Tony Fields) mysteriously dies. But like so

CONTEST TIME!!! The lovely people at D FILMS want to send you and a friend (preferably not an evil one that wants to kill your other friends, but hey, your call) to see the supernatural-horror FRIEND REQUEST. FRIEND REQUEST is the cautionary tale of popular college student Laura (Alycia Debnam-Carey),

Even though 66 HORROR FLIX host and film director Jim Towns has been hard at work on his latest horror vehicle STATE OF DESOLATION, that didn’t stop him from revisiting a film he hated on first viewing. That would be the Frank Langella starring 1979 horror-romance, DRACULA. Before we get

Film Review: IT
Before I go into this review, lets address some key misnomers that were so frequently thrown around while this film was in development and seem to still have some traction left. This film is at it’s very base, an adaptation of Stephen Kings 1986 novel IT. This is NOT a

Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival (PUFF) Adds Lost Film, Acclaimed Haunt Doc to 2017 Line-Up
As things become more and more uncertain in the realm of theatrical film distribution, there is one thing that has become decidedly clear: the lack of original voices at the multiplex have brought pockets of individual film communities together around the world. As a result, there are more film festivals

IT-On Set Interviews Part 2: Finn Wolfhard, Jaeden Lieberher, Sophia Lillis, Jack Dylan Grazer and Wyatt Oleff
On set interviews with : Finn Wolfhard , Jaeden Lieberher , Sophia Lillis, Jack Dylan Grazer, Wyatt Oleff Last June I was fortunate enough to visit the set of IT. I did a multitude of interviews with the cast and crew. I wanted to share the best of what I

IT – On Set Interviews Part 1: Logan Thompson, Chosen Jacobs, Nicholas Hamilton and Jake Sim
On set interview with Nicholas Hamilton, Jake Sim, Logan Thompson and Chosen Jacobs Last June I was invited to spend some time on the set of IT, the highly anticipated Andy Muschietti directed adaptation of the infamous Stephen King novel. With the exception of Owen Teague who was not shooting