2021 is here! We’ve still got a long way to go, but hopefully some semblance of normalcy is in sight. I’m hopeful, at the very least, that we’re going to start to see some of 2020’s delayed feature films see the light of day. One of the films I was
With the unprecedented success of films such as MIDSOMMAR and HEREDITARY, it’s fair to say that cults have played a major role in some of horrors more recent greatest hits. On first glance, Tate Bunker’s new film THE FIELD could be misrepresented as jumping on that taboo bandwagon. In actuality,
Top 5 Terrors of 2017 – ERIN GRANT
Sitting down to write out my Top 5 of 2017 made me reflect and appreciate just how many awesome horror films were released this year. Yes, there were big wins for the genre at the box office – for example IT, GET OUT and HAPPY DEATH DAY . There were
Video Series: Fear Forever presents 66 Horror Flix – PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES
In keeping with the sci-fi and outer space theme we seem to have running here on Fear Forever lately, it seemed fitting to have this weeks episode of 66 Horror Flix continue the thread with Mario Bava‘s (BLOOD AND BLACK LACE, RABID DOGS) 1965 fashion-forward, outer-space freak out, PLANET OF