07 Dec 2018


Unabashedly raw and sexy, TWERK is the latest novel by author  Isobel Blackthorn of Melbourne, Australia. One part crime thriller and one part pure nightmare fuel, TWERK is set in the gritty yet dazzling world of Las Vegas’ strip clubs. Amber thinks she has met the man of her dreams when

05 Apr 2018

Book Review: The Massacre At Yellow Hill

As proved by historical evidence and numerous fictional stories and films, Old time Westerns are as great a source of horror as modern times- if not more. Period pieces are coming back to horror with a vengeance and THE MASSACRE AT YELLOW HILL, written by C.S Humble, is no exception.

15 Jan 2018

Book Review: Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child

There is no doubt that S. Craig Zahler is making a name for himself as an incredible director and writer. His first film, BONE TOMAHAWK was a successful, genre-bending take on a classic Western and the recently released BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99 had people positively salivating . It’s fairly