30 Jul 2024

Fantasia Film Festival: Infinite Summer

Spanish-Estonian science fiction film INFINITE SUMMER had its world premiere at Fantasia Film Festival a few days ago. Written and directed by Miguel Llansó (experimental, virtual-reality-themed JESUS SHOWS YOU THE WAY TO THE HIGHWAY), the film is rooted in familiar versions of transhumanism and new concepts that are genuinely unique

04 Aug 2022

Film Review: The Breach (Fantasia International Film Festival)

That’s a wrap for Fantasia International Film Festival, one of the most important events in Canada for breakout films of the horror, SciFi and fantasy genre. While we wished it would never end, we are indebted to it for bringing us films like THE BREACH. Well established Director Rodrigo Gudiño

26 Jul 2022

Film Review: MEGALOMANIAC (Fantasia International Film Festival)

This year marks 25 years of Montreal’s Fantasia International Film Festival. A major event for international and independent genre film. It is a highlight of our year here at Fear Forever, as we love any film that makes us want to cover our eyes- if only we could look away!

19 Aug 2020


Thankfully our prayers have been answered and the Fantasia International Film Festival 2020 is going ahead! This year Fantasia is happening in cyberspace, screening virtually to Canadian audiences. The excitement of the festival is not so lost, as many films are showing as they would usually in Montreal. Though we

28 Jul 2019

Film Review: Homewrecker (Fantasia International Film Festival)

The FANTASIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is beginning to wind down, with only a few more days to go. It’s sad to say goodbye but we have all had a fun ride so far. Here at FEAR FOREVER, we have made sure to cover some of the most interesting titles this