07 Jan 2019


I’d go on about how 2018 was a great year for horror, but every year is always a great year for horror, it’s a great genre! With each passing year horror is becoming more mainstream and films that need attention are getting the accolades they deserve. We had awesome cinematic

Erin Grant 0
06 Nov 2018


Reviewing this film has been quite the challenge.  Even as I was jotting down notes during the screening I attended, I found myself having to catch myself and scribble out my words. Why? because I am reviewing SUSPIRIA 2018. I am not reviewing SUSPIRIA 1977. I am not doing a

Amy 0
13 Oct 2018

FILM REVIEW: TiCK (Toronto After Dark Film Festival)

TiCK is the second short film by Toronto native Ashlea Wessel. It’s also her second short film (the first being INK) to play the Toronto After Dark Film Festival. I was a big fan of INK, but I found TiCK to be leaps and bounds ahead of it.   There

Amy 0
18 Aug 2018


THE CRESCENT has to be easily one of the most bizarre and stunning genre films I’ve seen this year. Coming out of the 2017 TIFF Midnight Madness program, THE CRESCENT has all the makings of a cult horror film, if it could just get out of its own artsy way.

Andy Breslow 0
20 Dec 2017


It’s that time of year again, and no I’m not talking about that commercialized cash grab known as Christmas, but rather that time of year to sort through the hundreds of horror films I’ve seen to try to bring you my top 5. When it comes to horror films, I

Andy Breslow 0
09 Dec 2017

Film Review: REPLACE (A Night of Horror Film Festival)

This decade has seen a significant amount of films from the new wave of body horror sub-genre. More specifically, with female lead story-lines that provide a first hand perspective of the transformation experience.  As body horror targets our inner fears and anxieties about things going wrong with the vessels we

Erin Grant 0