Film Review: Abruptio
ABRUPTIO writer-director Evan Marlowe clearly had a vision- a fantastically absurdist vision: A hyperviolent movie entirely enacted by puppets. The result is a film that has been seven years in the making, an insane mix of 70s exploitation and 2000s-era action movie with actors who are lifelike but not quite

5 Most Important Horror Films Of 2017-Daniel Rodriguez
The last few years have been game changing for the horror genre, historically and monetarily. Not only is there an insurgence of critically acclaimed films such as THE WITCH and THE WAILING, but box office numbers have never been higher. If you don’t believe me, just check the revenues from

It’s that time of year again, and no I’m not talking about that commercialized cash grab known as Christmas, but rather that time of year to sort through the hundreds of horror films I’ve seen to try to bring you my top 5. When it comes to horror films, I