Montreal’s FANTASIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is finally here, happening now! Underway since the 12th of July, the festival showcases just how much indie filmmakers have to offer the Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror film scene. Needless to say, I am one happy genre fan right now. With an absolutely HUGE catalog

ISLAND ZERO is the low budget creature feature and debut film from director Josh Gerritsen. Directly inspired by the original eco-horror, 1954’s THEM! and horror classic, THE THING; ISLAND ZERO is quite clearly a film about natures revenge on humanity and the horrors of isolation. The residents of a small

Book Review: Hug Chickenpenny: The Panegyric of an Anomalous Child
There is no doubt that S. Craig Zahler is making a name for himself as an incredible director and writer. His first film, BONE TOMAHAWK was a successful, genre-bending take on a classic Western and the recently released BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99 had people positively salivating . It’s fairly

5 Most Important Horror Films Of 2017-Daniel Rodriguez
The last few years have been game changing for the horror genre, historically and monetarily. Not only is there an insurgence of critically acclaimed films such as THE WITCH and THE WAILING, but box office numbers have never been higher. If you don’t believe me, just check the revenues from

Top 5 Terrors of 2017 – ERIN GRANT
Sitting down to write out my Top 5 of 2017 made me reflect and appreciate just how many awesome horror films were released this year. Yes, there were big wins for the genre at the box office – for example IT, GET OUT and HAPPY DEATH DAY . There were

Have you checked out Stephen King’s THE STAND? Just omit the “Devil” Randall Flagg, “Angel” Mother Abigail Freemantle, the massive journey to salvation and all the supernatural effects. Set it in the frigid mountains of the UK, and you have MOUNTAIN FEVER. Ok – just imagine some desperate survivors of

Film Review: IT
Before I go into this review, lets address some key misnomers that were so frequently thrown around while this film was in development and seem to still have some traction left. This film is at it’s very base, an adaptation of Stephen Kings 1986 novel IT. This is NOT a

IT-On Set Interviews Part 2: Finn Wolfhard, Jaeden Lieberher, Sophia Lillis, Jack Dylan Grazer and Wyatt Oleff
On set interviews with : Finn Wolfhard , Jaeden Lieberher , Sophia Lillis, Jack Dylan Grazer, Wyatt Oleff Last June I was fortunate enough to visit the set of IT. I did a multitude of interviews with the cast and crew. I wanted to share the best of what I

IT – On Set Interviews Part 1: Logan Thompson, Chosen Jacobs, Nicholas Hamilton and Jake Sim
On set interview with Nicholas Hamilton, Jake Sim, Logan Thompson and Chosen Jacobs Last June I was invited to spend some time on the set of IT, the highly anticipated Andy Muschietti directed adaptation of the infamous Stephen King novel. With the exception of Owen Teague who was not shooting

THE DARK TOWER was first and foremost an eight part book series by Stephen King. Now it is a 90 minute film that from all accounts does the books, its characters, and THE DARK TOWER universe itself no justice. With that being said, one could say it’s a misrepresentation to