Every now and then you hear something about a promising horror film, and then it seems to take an eternity for that film to see the light of day. CREPITUS is one of those films. I remember hearing some rumblings on the internet way back in 2017, and then I

Get your coulrophobia (fear of clowns) under control, because TERRIFIER is about to be unleashed onto unsuspecting audiences at the end of this month. The film is currently on a limited theatrical run and hits VOD services on March 27th. This film pulls absolutely no punches, and goes for

Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival (PUFF) Adds Lost Film, Acclaimed Haunt Doc to 2017 Line-Up
As things become more and more uncertain in the realm of theatrical film distribution, there is one thing that has become decidedly clear: the lack of original voices at the multiplex have brought pockets of individual film communities together around the world. As a result, there are more film festivals