Admittedly, possession films aren’t really my thing. They tend to be VERY similar to one another and unless there’s something new to the story, you’re pretty much not going to top THE EXORCIST in my opinion. Personally, I’m more of a blood & gore connoisseur. Now that we’ve gotten that

The supernatural subgenre has a huge stake in horror. Although it’s not typically my first choice, I do enjoy a good haunt. Such is the case with GHOST HOUSE, the first feature film from the Ragsdale brothers. Rich and Kevin (Ragsdale) have created an unsettling and twisted tale of a

Sadako vs Kayako
Sadako Vs Kayako interview First there was FREDDY VS JASON (2003), next there was ALIEN VS PREDATOR (2004) and now Japan has thrown their hat in the ring and taken two of their most successful franchises and pitted their villains against each other. In the left corner, wearing a long